If you have uploaded a CTF to Sonar; Importing Statutory Data from a CTF, waited at least 15 minutes for it to be processed and then, when you have navigated to Assess > Statutory Assessments > EYFS / KS1 / KS2, found no data visible, try these steps to help resolve the issue.
Looking for the data
- If you are looking for EYFS data, ensure you have checked EYFS 2012 and 2020 as appropriate.
- If you are looking for KS1 data, the assess page opens with test results - these may not be in your MIS so use the drop down menu to select 'Teacher Assessments'.
- Remember some year groups may not have statutory data due to Covid in 2020 and 2021
Looking at the file
1. Ensure the file ends .xml - not .xls or .csv. We can only import xml files, any others eg xls and csv files cannot be processed - recreate your file, ensuring it is a CTF with the file extension .xml. NB - just choosing the file extension xml spreadsheet when saving an Excel document does not make the file xml!
2. Ensure the destination is your own school. Look at the filename, if it is something like 8812222_CTF_881LLLL, this is a file designed to send to your LA. Recreate the file using your own school as the destination so the filename is something like; 8812222_CTF_8812222.
3. Did the file include Phonics data for current (2024/5) Yr 5 children? Due to the way results were recorded when Phonics screening was administered in the Autumn Term of 2021 this can cause the import to fail. To resolve either;
- create the CTF without 'tasks and tests' as then there will no Phonics data to cause an issue. Phonics data can then be entered manually or separate files created for years where the phonics data is not an issue; current (2024/5) Yr 6, 4, 3 and 2, or
- when uploading do not tick Phonics - again no Phonics data will be imported so continue as above
4. Is the file complete? Go to where the file is saved. Right click and use 'Open with...Notepad' to open the file in a 'readable' format. Scroll to the end - it should end with;
If it appears to stop in the middle of a section, recreate the file.
If you have tried these steps and your data is still not importing please contact us. We may need to ask you to send us a copy of the file but will set up a secure data transfer for this.