Key Stage Two Widget
Accessed from the Statutory Dashboard in Sonar Multi-School, the Key Stage Two Widget highlights the percentage of eligible pupils across your Trust who achieved Expected or Greater Depth, or Greater Depth by the end of Key Stage Two for the subjects Reading, Writing, Mathematics and all three combined (Reading, Writing and Mathematics).
Tip: Details of the Statutory Data Eligibility Rules that govern these measures are provided in a sub-section below. This will help you to understand which pupils are included in these measures and how the measures are calculated.
Field Name | Description |
Expected or Greater Depth - Combined RWM | Percentage of eligible pupils (excluding Leavers) across your Trust at the end of Key Stage Two who have achieved the expected standard or a greater depth within the expected standard for all three subjects, Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined. |
Expected or Greater Depth - Reading | Percentage of eligible pupils (excluding Leavers) across your Trust at the end of Key Stage Two who have achieved the expected standard or a greater depth within the expected standard for Reading. |
Expected or Greater Depth - Writing | Percentage of eligible pupils (excluding Leavers) across your Trust at the end of Key Stage Two who have achieved the expected standard or a greater depth within the expected standard for Writing. |
Expected or Greater Depth - Mathematics | Percentage of eligible pupils (excluding Leavers) across your Trust at the end of Key Stage Two who have achieved the expected standard or a greater depth within the expected standard for Mathematics. |
Greater Depth - Combined RWM | Percentage of eligible pupils (excluding Leavers) across your Trust at the end of Key Stage Two who have achieved a greater depth within the expected standard for all three subjects, Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined. |
Greater Depth - Reading | Percentage of eligible pupils (excluding Leavers) across your Trust at the end of Key Stage Two who have achieved a greater depth within the expected standard for Reading. |
Greater Depth - Writing | Percentage of eligible pupils (excluding Leavers) across your Trust at the end of Key Stage Two who have achieved a greater depth within the expected standard for Writing. |
Greater Depth - Mathematics | Percentage of eligible pupils (excluding Leavers) across your Trust at the end of Key Stage Two who have achieved a greater depth within the expected standard for Mathematics. |
Statutory Data Eligibility Rules
The following rule apply to determining which pupils are include in the calculations above using their data stored in Sonar Tracker.
Year Six pupils (excluding Leavers) for the Current Academic Year.
Eligible Pupils - Individual Subjects
For each individual subject headline measure, eligibility is determined based on whether a pupil has any result in:
- Reading and Mathematics
- In raw scores / scaled scores / outcome.
- If no raw score / scaled score / outcome then a Reading TA / Mathematics TA result (any alpha) counts.
- Writing and Science
- Any result in Writing TA / Science TA.
Eligible Pupils - Combined Subjects
For the combined headline measures eligibility should be calculated on the number of pupils (not Leavers) who have any alpha or numerical result recorded in Mathematics raw score / scaled score / TA, Reading raw score / scaled score / TA and Writing TA within Sonar Tracker. For Mathematics and Reading, if a pupil has a TA result, by definition they cannot be EXS or GDS but should still be counted as eligible.
Not Eligible Pupils - Individual Subjects
Pupils who are not eligible are:
- Those with no result in the subject for raw scores / outcomes or TA (those that have no assessment data recorded against them).
- Those with missing assessment data.
Not Eligible Pupils - Combined Subjects
Pupils who are not eligible are:
- Those with no results in any of the three subjects for raw scores / outcomes or TA (those that have no assessment data recorded against them).
- Those with a result in at least one of the three subjects, but not all three (Reading raw score / scaled score or TA, Writing TA, Mathematics raw score / scaled score or TA).
- Those with missing assessment data.
There are 30 pupils (excluding Leavers) in Year Six with data stored in Sonar Tracker:
- 27 pupils have results in all four subjects (in either raw score or TA depending on the rules above).
- 1 pupil has no data in any Key Stage Two assessment (no data in raw scores, outcomes or TA).
- 1 pupil is missing a result for Science TA (but does have raw scores and outcomes for Mathematics and Reading and a Writing TA result).
- 1 pupil has no results in raw scores or outcomes but does have a Reading TA, Writing TA but no Mathematics TA or Science TA.