The Age Related Progress report is designed to show the proportion of pupils who are at age related expectations at different points in time and the difference between them in order to get a view of change over time.
It identifies the Number (%) of pupils who are On Track in each of the selected periods. On Track is defined as the appropriate summative assessment code. For the Sonar Assessment model this will be all pupils assessed as Just At (the age related expectation) or higher.
It gives an overview for the currently selected and filtered pupils in Reading Writing and Mathematics (Word Reading, Writing, Number for EYFS).
The report will automatically select the current term and the end of the previous academic year to compare.
If you want to know which pupils are represented by the numbers simply click a value and the cell will expand to show the names.
As the report will run for multiple year groups it is possible to quickly get an overview of all Primary year groups pupils on track.
The cells beneath the % values show the difference between the cell above and the one to the above right. In other words the change in % on track. Where the change results in more pupils on track the cell will shade green. Where the change results in fewer pupils on track it will shade pink.
Report tools
The report name always appears in the top left with the date and time the report was run on the top right.
Refreshes the report. This can be useful if you have the report on screen for a long period of time and you know data may have changed (new assessments for example). | |
States how many filters are currently applied and gives access to the filter tool. | |
Menu to select the periods/terms to view data for. | |
Choose the subjects to display in the report. | |
Display options for the report. Further detail below. | |
Download a formatted pdf of the report with the current settings. |
Display Options
There are a number of additional options to suit the analysis focus you are interested in.
Summary View - Shows the data for key groups of pupils and as well as being useful for governors is especially helpful in Pupil Performance Meetings
Overview Table - Toggles the main data table on/off
Names - Clicking in a cell will show the names for that cell. The Names option will toggle names on/off in all cells
'Not On Track' - Shows an additional table with pupils not on track. These will be pupils assessed below Just At. The values here will be the opposite of those in the On Track table but may be useful on occasion, particularly when showing names.
Separate Year Groups - If you have more than one year group represented in the report this will show a separate table for each year group. A useful time saver compared to running the report several times.